Video on Demand
Catch-up of TV of most popular content
Live streaming
of relevant channels e.g. News, Weather, Sport, General channels.
Adaptive bit rate delivery
that adjusts and ensures best experience viewing based on changing
user network bandwidth and manage your cost |
Multi device support
TV, PC, iPhone, Android, Nokia-Windows Phone, Black Berry,
iPad, Social network etc
Content Delivery Network
Global best in class Content Delivery Network (CDN) for super fast load and streaming performance
Social engagement
Share, comment, reach out on all relevant social networks and
technologies such as Facebook and Twitter – built in
Monetization We manage advertising, be in publisher ads, stock ads or house ads, in addition also setup payment walls where appropriate
Syndicationof your content to partners and platforms like YouTube, search engines and 3rd parties Moderation of content so that your brand is always protected.
Not only reports and analytics but Human Insight to continuously drive and optimize your business to exceed your goals |